Information pursuant to art. 13 Leg. Decree 196/03 - Privacy Law (published in the Official Gazette on 29 July 2003, General Series n. 174, Ordinary Supplement n. 123/L).
1. The above law governs the confidentiality of personal data and imposes a series of obligations on whoever processes data belonging to others.
2. By data "processing" the above law means" any operation or series of operations, with or without electronic tools, concerning databases, accounts charges and others, filling in tax substitution forms relative to anyone who is or is not an employee, the collection, recording, organising, storing, consulting, processing, amending, selecting, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communicating, distributing, cancelling and destroying the data, even if not recorded in a database, completing software you order from us and websites ordered from us, repairing computers and data they contain, including the system password and protections, and any other operation expressly envisaged by the activities our company performs".
3. In relation to the following listed positions where you may have to relate with our company:
- supply contracts for tangible and intangible goods and services;
- commercial relations and collaboration of any nature.
We inform you that the data about your company and individuals you assign to act on your behalf, are indispensable to enable us to pursue our normal operations involved with the above relations, and therefore it is obligatory that we receive the relative data.
4. Refusal to provide said data means we would be unable to proceed with the services listed at point 3.
5. All the requested data are compulsory. When processing, we could come across data that the Privacy Law defines "sensitive", as they could reveal the health, membership to trade unions, religious or philosophical beliefs. Consequently we ask your express written consent to process the data.
6. The data are mainly processed using electronic and digital methods, stored on both computerised and printed files, or any other method that is accessible only for the authorised personnel, in compliance with the minimum security measures given by Technical Regulations for minimum security measures, annex B with the Privacy Law.
7. Data collected via internet: in its website our company uses IP address tracking technology and Cookies to track the visits to the site, in particular:
a) IP addresses: the IP addresses are collected of all the visitors who visit our website. The collected data are used to manage our company's technical-administrative matters, to diagnose any technical problems and to prevent intrusion and abuse of our services.
b) Cookies: our company may use cookies to improve the availability of our services, by associating a cookie to the visitor. Cookies are also used to determine the amount of traffic through our website and to trace your profile when you order our services, to calculate the discounts and to manage any promotions that may be applicable to your account. Visitors to the site can deactivate the Cookies function in their browser, but in certain cases this could cause malfunctions with the site.
For information about the use of cookies refer to Directive 2009/136/CE.
For more information about the advertisements of Google Adwords and Remarketing refer to Google advertising regulations.
8. Data communication and distribution: the data you provide may be communicated or distributed to enable proceeding with the contract agreements with our company, for purposes related to them, for purposes relating to the display of references, for commercial and promotional activities for our company products; furthermore the data may be communicated to:
- Studio or company staff who are processing managers or operators to enable managing the service you request. Said staff has been correctly trained into personal data security and privacy laws.
- The Inland Revenue, Tax Police, Finance Police, Labour Inspectors and, generally, all those other authorities responsible for controlling the correctness of the requirements for the above purposes.
- Category Associations and C.A.A.F. to provide the services listed in the above purposes, and professional studios we appoint for data processing.
9. Data processing involves appointing certain people who have specific duties and responsibilities.
In particular:
- The Data Processing Holder or Manager is: C.V.M.I. Srl with head office in P.zza Vittorio Emanuele II, 31 - 25087 - Salò (BS), VAT code: 01406260933 - REA: (BS) 457103 - Capital: € 100.000 i.v.
- The data processing operators: are employees or workers with C.V.M.I. Srl.
10. The data in question are processed:
- On any type of printed or digital means;
- By authorised and constantly identified people, who are duly trained and aware of the limitations imposed by current law;
- With the undertaking to maintain the data up to date, eliminating any obsolete, unnecessary or irrelevant data;
-With the undertaking to adopt the organisation and security measures envisaged by law, to guarantee the person's privacy and prevent undue access by any unauthorised parties.
11. To enable fully understanding the question, please remember that articles 7, 8, 9 of the Consolidated Text expressly protect the rights of the person concerned. Below we give art. 7 of the Privacy Law (right to access personal data and other rights):
1. The person concerned has the right to confirmation whether their personal data exists or not, even if not yet registered, and the communication of the data in an intelligible form.
2. The person concerned has the right to know:
a) Where the personal data originated;
b) The purpose and method of processing;
c) To logic applied in the case of digital processing;
d) The details of the holder, managers and appointed representative as per article 5(2);
e)The parties or categories that the personal data could be communicated to or who could learn of the data in their capacity as appointed delegate in the area, as managers or operators .
3. The person concerned has the right:
a) To have the data updated, rectified or integrated if they wish;
b) To have the data deleted, transformed into anonymous form or blocked if they are processed in violation of law, including the data that do not need archiving for the purposes for which they were collected or processed;
c) Confirmation that the operations at letters a) and b) have been notified, including their contents, to the parties who have received the data, unless this requirement is impossible or requires means that are out of proportion with respect to the protected right.
4. The person concerned has the right to oppose, all or part:
a) Their data being processed if they have legitimate reasons, even if the data are relative to the purpose for which they were collected;
b) The processing of their personal data for sending advertising or direct sales materials, for market surveys and for commercial communications.
To exercise the rights envisaged by art. 7 of the Privacy Law as listed above, the person concerned should write to C.V.M.I. Srl with head office in P.zza Vittorio Emanuele II, 31 - 25087 - Salò (BS), VAT code: 01406260933 - REA: (BS) 457103 - Capital: € 100.000 i.v..